My new Trig



So about a month ago I decided to go with a friendlier tank, sort of semi-agressive. I traded some of my more agressive fish (Niger, Golden Puffer) to my friend and in return I am getting some new ones, inlcuding this little guy. He's only about 3" right now. I took this picture from the QT where I have the Sargassum and a very small dogface puffer.


Originally Posted by RCreations
So about a month ago I decided to go with a friendlier tank, sort of semi-agressive. I traded some of my more agressive fish (Niger, Golden Puffer) to my friend and in return I am getting some new ones, inlcuding this little guy. He's only about 3" right now. I took this picture from the QT where I have the Sargassum and a very small dogface puffer.
wow how agressive was that puffer?all mine are sissys,bold eaters but not agressive at all my mappa is doin fine


That Golden Puffer was insane. I think it had a mental problem or something because it was attacking everything. It bit a large chunk out of my Tusk's fin, then another chunk out of its tail. So it had to go. It was probably too big for my 150g anyway.


Beautiful fish --, like most triggers, as he grows his colors will become more vibrant and colorful. Great choice going semi-aggressive, it's no fun watching your MAD fish chase each other around all the time.


Active Member
They are great fish, I'm sure you will enjoy him....Mine has gone at it with my Niger a few times, but nothing too serious....He is still a Trigger though, he is not afraid to flair up now and again. They do seem to spend a lot of time at the top of the tank (as they do in the wild), mine sleeps in a corner by a powerhead, only Trigger I have seen that doesn't sleep in the rocks.
Enjoy him, Congrats


Thanks. So far he seems to get along just fine with my dogface puffer. I fed them some krill and they didn't fight over it, at least not too bad.
Well, this new 38gal QT will be their home for the next 4 weeks, so they better get along.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Thanks. So far he seems to get along just fine with my dogface puffer. I fed them some krill and they didn't fight over it, at least not too bad.
Well, this new 38gal QT will be their home for the next 4 weeks, so they better get along.
I'm also a member of the "Sargassums (or Red Tail, in my neck of the internet) are Great Fish Club;thanks to kjr_trig.


Does anyone know of a good faq on these fish online? I looked but not much info to be found. How do you tell the male from female?


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Does anyone know of a good faq on these fish online? I looked but not much info to be found. How do you tell the male from female?
All I know is that mature males have a red tail....I think. You're right, there isn't a lot of info on these guys. I have several good sites I use and the red tail bit was all i could find. I was told mine was a male (it has a bright red rimmed tail) by someone who knows.


Active Member
Yeah, that is my understanding, I know Groupergenius's has a slightly redder tail than mine. Mine is still a youngster, but may be a girl based on that. Frankly -- I would say yours is a little redder than mine's as well and they are pretty similar size.



Mine looks pretty much like yours. Same type of orange red color on the tail.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Mine looks pretty much like yours. Same type of orange red color on the tail.
10-4...I think they will get more and more colorful/beautiful as they age just like the Crosshatch and Bluejaw do. I believe X-hatch you can't tell se-x until they hit 6 or so inchs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
10-4...I think they will get more and more colorful/beautiful as they age just like the Crosshatch and Bluejaw do. I believe X-hatch you can't tell se-x until they hit 6 or so inchs.
Right about the crosshatches. When I ordered my sargassum; I got the feeling they were just importing males, because the color in the tail made the collectors feel they would sell better.


Active Member
How big is it? I think they get a lot more color in the tail as they grow, but I'm just not sure. It does seem to have the outline on the caudal fin that turns red, is it showing any color there? It may be the pic; but your fish is a lot less 'silvery" than any I've seen. May be a female. Without any redish color on the body, it almost looks like a female blue jaw. But its a beautiful fish, so who really cares?


Originally Posted by srfisher17
How big is it? I think they get a lot more color in the tail as they grow, but I'm just not sure. It does seem to have the outline on the caudal fin that turns red, is it showing any color there? It may be the pic; but your fish is a lot less 'silvery" than any I've seen. May be a female. Without any redish color on the body, it almost looks like a female blue jaw. But its a beautiful fish, so who really cares?

You might be right I looked at a picture of the female blue jaw and a picture of a sargassum, and my trigger looks more like the bluejaw trigger then the sargassum. Unless, do they come from different parts of the world, the sargassum that is, if so I might have a one that is less silver but mine is only 3 inches long right now. Only time will tell, if it is a bluejaw I will get a male bluejaw one day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by redman1221
You might be right I looked at a picture of the female blue jaw and a picture of a sargassum, and my trigger looks more like the bluejaw trigger then the sargassum. Unless, do they come from different parts of the world, the sargassum that is, if so I might have a one that is less silver but mine is only 3 inches long right now. Only time will tell, if it is a bluejaw I will get a male bluejaw one day.
This fish also resembles a female crosshatch.I've never seen the juvi sizes of any of these more pelagic triggers; I got the pair of crosshatches I lost to Katrina as adults. It looks like your fish, sargassums and crosshatches have that little semi-circle of color over their eye. The anal fin of your fish also looks more like that of a crosshatch or a blue jaw; but that could just be because of its size. If it is a crosshatch, you got a great deal. I'm sure someone who knows more about the smaller forms of these fish will chime in.


I guess I will just have to wait until it gets bigger, I will be very happy if it is a xhatch because I always wanted one. But if it is just a bluejaw I will be still happy one way or another I will be happy, thanks for answering my question. I will post a picture of him or her when it gets bigger.