my new trigger in my 180 reef


Active Member
well i got this guy and i was scared to add him since its a monsterous size fish and its a trigger of all things!!!
but its a pink tail so we shall see how he does... so far hes a pig he ate 2 medium sized cocktail shrimp today
hes much bigger than any of my other fishes so we will have to see how he does/....
what do u guys think


Active Member
Very nice. It looks like you have an awesome tank. You should post a picture of your entire tank.


Active Member
Murph, I think you're nuts. I don't think I would risk it with the beautiful tank you have. However, I wish you the best of luck and truly hope everything works out. Keep us posted.


Active Member
i know lion i think i was momentarily insane when i got him.... hew was so nice lokn and cheep at the wholesalers that i grabbed him.... now im kinda worried hes got a big appatite and i have some small fish in my tank....
it would be nearly impossible to rid him from my tank with all the rock and corals
heres a few pics for u rs1831.... left to middle to right of tank...



Active Member
thanks!.... yeah im guna try i dont want him goin on a feeding binge and eatin all my fish... i think my lil anthias are a lil concerned they are wondering what the heck this thing is


murph, I say go for it......... Though this trigger can be considered hit & miss, I have kept it in my reef trouble free. My Pinktail (5 1/2 - 6 inches) has been with me almost three years now and has been a model citizen with corals and smaller fish (clowns, cardinals & chromis), it is in my FOWLR tank today.
They do require a diet of meaty foods and greens, you may want to hang some nori in the tank for this trigger to pick at daily.
Good Luck and enjoy your new trigger,


Active Member
well so far so good lol hes doing good and not bothering anyone yet so its a wait and see game...
its a very healthy trigger and big
the lil anthias swim right by him and he doesnt even look at them
thanks for all the compliments on the tank btw....
yeah and i was a lil crazy that day i dont know what got into me :thinking: :hilarious

nm reef

Active Member
Nice photos...your tank looks better all the time.
I'd be cautious about any trigger in a reef....primarily because I like keeping assorted snails/crabs/shrimp and even a pink tail may consider them all as part of the menu.
Risky move.....hopefully it'll work out for you.


Nice trigger... GL w/ him..
You've got some realllly awesome acan that I can see :) Many nice corals.. I also like your rockwork..
Awesome tank


Active Member
thanks NMreef!
i see your photos and they are awesome i wanna get a better camera but maybe christmas ill ask for one....
yeah it was kinda risky but i really dont have any inverts all i have is maybe 20 hermits and 4 large asterea snails other then that nothing more of a clean up crew or anything like that..... hopefully he will leave the hermits alone
N-Sarno... thanks for the compliment they are really cool acans i scored on thos got the orange ones for $35 and the green/ornage ones for $40
heres a close up



whattttt how did you manage to get those so cheap!!
Share the wealth. I want a frag!!


Active Member
friends got his resale liscence so we go to LAX where the wholesalers are at and buy straight off the plane