My new


My tank with the start of live rock I still need alot more but it will take time... I did find this nice hippo and sailfin at the lfs the other day... I know I should have qt them but I did not learn about the qt thing until they were swimming in the tank already lol..



better pic of him he likes to show off... The hippo on the other hand is a big fish that likes to hide.. And as you can see by the photo I made him a good hide hole so he does not get stressed out :)


I had a friend that paints car make me up a candy apple blue with silver flake in it so when the light hits it ---- well you can see it... It looks as if the tank keeps going.


It is a 125g tank 72" long by 19 wide and 22 deep...
The sand is aragonite but it is the small piece size .5 to 1mm... I love it compared to the crushed coral I had in there. I bought it 2 weeks ago and changed it out with the fish in the tank. I do not know who had it worse my fish or me. WOW stress is when you turn your tank into a white milk shake.. I thought for sure I was going to stress my hippo into getting ich..


Just went down to the lfs store and they got some 3-4 inch powder blue tangs. I have one of them in there qt tank. I do not have one but I will set one up soon. I have a 30 g that I will use.. Do you need to turn the tank over 8 times an hr just like a big tank? Or can you go 5 times and still be good?


Active Member
Originally Posted by payne66801
Just went down to the lfs store and they got some 3-4 inch powder blue tangs. I have one of them in there qt tank. I do not have one but I will set one up soon. I have a 30 g that I will use.. Do you need to turn the tank over 8 times an hr just like a big tank? Or can you go 5 times and still be good?
i have a few things to say....
1. your tanks looks nice, however:
2. 3 tangs in a 125 is a LOT
3. your tank should turn over AT LEAST 15 times an hour! My fish-only turns over 18 and my reef turns over 25-30 times! Rees are suggested to be at least a 20X turnover rate.
4. how old is your tank? it doesnt look established enough to handle a delicate fish like a tang
5. adding 3 larger fish that quickly is not a good thing. IMO, wait the upwards of a month before adding a fish.


It has been set up for pushing 2 and 1 half times.
20x thru filters?
20 x 125 =2500 gallon ??? I have never seen a filtering system that big??
I do have power heads in the tank. Right now I am running 2x400 gallon bio filters and 2x280
so that is 1360. That is 10.88 times an hr.


Active Member
no 20 times with all of your stuff to get water flow throughout your tank, not jsut through mechanical filtration. 10.5 isnt bad, but it could be a lot better. Make sure you get some more flow and surface aggitation.


Funny story there I had crushed coral in the tank for 3 weeks and then learned alot about sand. And all the good that sand can do for your tank. So one night I got sand and switched it out. With the fish in there. Not the tangs but the little guys. And it took about 4 hours for it to settle. And in the am it will crystal clear again. I ran all four of my bio wheel filters all night. And then changed out the filters they looked like I ran milk thru them all night.
The tank has been set up for almost 3 months about. Give or take because I took the coral out and it did spike the tank for a day. But a small water change fixed that. The tank has been running at very good levels on everything for 6 weeks or so.


Active Member
they can fit, but once each gets over a foot long and they start swiming all over the place, depending on the actual fish they could get hostile.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
3 tangs can easily live in a 125 are u nuts who ever said that
says the person with a clwon trigger in a 12 gallon tank......


you tang people drive me freakin nuts....did it ever dawn on you that maybe if they get a foot long, he may choose to trade them in to his lfs??? just a thought. I dont understand why the tang fans are such know it alls.
*steps off soapbox* haha


haha you know the ones Im talking about..the ones that know everything about tangs and act like if you put 2 tangs in a 5,000 gal they would still find something wrong with it haha


Nice tank payne
very white sand........
I believe they should be ok on the 125gl, no problem as long you have your water in good condition and your levels..........
Everyone says that Tangs are too small for 55gl, 125gl, well sometimes they may outlive the ones that are on 5000gl with np. I agree with the rule that Tangs should be on a tank bigger than 125gl to have lots of space to swim, but in my mind 90% of the people won't and if they keep on check with their tank they will have a health tank....
If the rules apply to all, I believe all LFS would have 1000gl+ to hold all or many of their show fishes....
Nice tanbk and keep it up, wish my sand was white like that