My newest member


Here are some pictures of my newest fish. If anyone has any helpful hints on keeping him well and happy that would be great.
What are algae sheets? It says to feed them when algae is not present in the tank. I have plenty of algae now, but for future referance.


Active Member
Algae sheets are basically just that... sheets of dried algae that can be put into a feeder clip for grazing fish. :) They can be purchased at your LFS. I recommend Julian Sprung's Sea Veggies or Seaweed Selects.
Congrats on the new addition. Lawnmower blennies have a lot of personality!


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by SaltyJ
It says to feed them when algae is not present in the tank. I have plenty of algae now, but for future referance.

You could culture some algae in another container.


Over time your blenny may become like mine and eat everything and anything I put in the tank. AT first he only ate algae, then started getting a bit thin after the addition of my Yellow Eye tang and slowly started to make up for it by munching a bit when the clowns were fed. Now he'll eat just about anything including mysis, krill, clams, formula 1/2...I keep telling him he is a vegitarian, but he won't listen :)
Good Luck! They are the greatest little guys.


You can also get sheets of Nori (seaweed) at your supermarket, it's used for making sushi.
Good luck with the blenny, we had one named Zimmer (because he looked just like Don Zimmer ;)) years ago and he remains my all-time favorite fish. He ate anything we put in the tank though, he wasn't only partial to algae.


I have had mine for about a month.He constantly eats at the rocks but i also see him eating at some cuperlea plants i have.
Dont know if i spelled it right but he and my naso tang loves it too.