My Newly mated Maroon Pair

what type of anemone is that? I want to get one for my clown but not sure what is the best. any help would be appreciated


what type of anemone is that? I want to get one for my clown but not sure what is the best. any help would be appreciated
Red Bubble Tip Anemone. I also have a pair hosted to Green Bubble Tip.
Bubble tips are alwase great for clowns

Just make sure you have a Anomone that is big enuff for your clown If your clown is to big for one she can smother it


all in the same tank? I didnt realize you could have that many clown in a tank . How big is your tank?
The RBTA and Maroons are in my 120
The GBTA and the False Percs are in my 46



Originally Posted by windlasher
Just so you know. Mated
means laid/had
babies. Bonded
means she stopped kicking his butt around and let him move in.
Me thinks you have a Bonded pair for now. Good Luck.

Cool I learned somthing new today