My nitrates


New Member
My nitrates are at 50 ppm. if i do a water change is that going to help bring them down what should i keep them at


Active Member
if the saltwater you are adding to the tank for the water change is less than 50ppm than your trates will go down some. is this a new set up and what are your other parameters?


New Member
its been going for about 3 months the PO is 1ppm the nitrite is 0 ppm ammonia is 0 PH is 8.0 cal is 450 ppm the water i will put back in is RO/DI and has none in it


dmjordan is right, a water change will bring down nitrates. In fact, as nitrates usually will slowly increase over time in an established tank, water changes are the accepted means of lowering them and keeping them in check.
For a fish-only system, I understand 40ppm is about as high as you want to go, although of course lower is always better. If corals/inverts are a factor, then the upper limit I understand is around 20ppm, again lower = better.
Of course, a regular schedule of waterchanges is simply a very good thing to do as not only will they lower nitrates, but also replenish many important trace elements (presuming your salt mix contains them, as many do although good idea to make sure).