My Pink Tip Stranded us??


Was at work the other day and if you live in MA. you prob know it got to 90 or higher here. Anyway I had my dad monitor the temp on my tank. It was a little high so he added an ice pack to try to cool off the water a bit, problem was he ended up hitting a rock that had my anemone attached to it. He decides to leave the rock ends up going on the glass and finally now has found a spot on the glass for the past week and hasnt moved back down. My Clarki's loved that thing now its like they lost there mother or something they just chill on the bottom and never come up anymore. My question is there any way I can try to pluck that thing off the glass and try to see if it will stick to a rock again so the clowns can go back to hosting it? or will that harm it?


Active Member
You can try to ease your finger under its foot and gently work it free but dont pull it. Being on the glass is prob the eaisest place to remove it from. Just as an FYI though if it likes the spot its in now more than where it was before it will just go back there after you move it.