My Plea to new hobbyists


I just wanted to say that I consider myself fairly new to marine setups. I have had my 25 gal aquarium set up for roughly 1 year now and I have read numerous books, spent countless hours picking the brains of many of the different LFS in my area and have spent much of my time researching the internet. Unfortunately, it wasn't until I blindly started my 25 gallon tank and lost hundreds of dollars of livestock that I started to do my research. My main purpose for this post is to beg people to take the advisements of the veterans to this message board and take the words of wisdow that your LFS has to offer. In being one of the ignorant new hobbyists, I made the mistake of thinking to myself, despite what anybody said, I was right about everything and I knew what I was doing. I was rudely awakened after all the money I spent in livestock was flushed down the toilet. Any new hobbyist that may be looking into starting a new tank, ESPECIALLY a nano, please, for your sake, listen to your LFS, do as much research as you can, and do things the right way, the first time. You will save yourself a lot of heartache, money, and you will enjoy the hobby so much more!
The Used-to Be Ignorant Wanna-be Hobbyist


very well said. unfortunatly no matter what. there will always be mistakes, loss of live stock, and loss of money, but that all part of the learning experience. we learn from our mistakes and that what makes a good hobbyist is being able to know what to do when a problem occurs. very nice words and considering advise from experienced people is very benificial and has help me become a better, more experienced saltwater hoddyist. good luck to all:D


First I want to thank everyone who has helped me with all my questions! It's great that there are so many people on here who are willing to help!
I'm a 2nd time around newbie who did EVERYTHING wrong the first time. Killed everything, got discouraged and gave up. I got all info from my LFS and did no research on my own. Big mistake!
Hopefully all of us will learn as much as we can from those more expierenced than we are. I know I'm listening!
Probably the only thing I can add is that there is no substitute for patience. Take it slow and the results will be worth it!


Active Member
Sorry Moray I didnt see that reply. It is a Yashia Goby and a Japanese Pistol Shrimp.
I WILL have one in my tank very soon. I just fell in love with the little buy as soon as I seen him! Such great colors!


Yer abosultely right. And the worst part about it is, some people come to this site looking for advice, and we give it, and they choose wether to take it or not. It's quite sad and irritating to see people just shun our advice away, and then hear that their tank crashed, but i guess thats the way that it goes. Ive been in the hobby for about 2 years, but 1 year on thie forum has given me such a wealth of knowledge i never could have imagined to have. Ive gone from cramming as many fish as I could into a 20 gallon (even two tangs at one time) with not even any LIVEROCK in the tank, to a 55 gallon that was decent, to a 120 gallon in which i know what i am doing. So if new hobbyists read these posts, i just wanna say that by being on this website, reading posts, taking it all in, you can become a better hobbyist. Research and timing is a major factor in this hobby, and patience as well.


New Member
I 100% agree. I have kept Discus and Brackish tanks before but never done salt. Its a whole new ball game. So far I have suffered no loses but I have taken alot of time and ask 100 questions before I think of doing anything new. I made 1 major mistake though, I bought a pink tip haitain anemonie and a percula clown. Apparently these two wont work well together. Just another example of why people should research. Now I have to decide which guy to get rid of which I will be posting in this forum in a few mins.
R.J. Total Uber n00b:happy: