My Polyps are disintegrating???????


New Member
My Polyps are disintegrating, Here are some specs on my aquarium; it’s a 6 month old 55 gallon tank with about 35 Lbs of live rock and 2'’ of sand. I have 3 clown fish, 3 Damsel fish and two black spiny sea urchins and of course the polyps.
My water test as of today; Nitrate10 ppm, pH 8.4, Ammonia 0.25 ppm, Alkalinity 1.7-2.8. I do a 25% water change every two weeks. My tap water is from a from a well which I own. The well water I don’t think is problem or is it??
I have tested with my test kit and all test were negative and I have used it with my fresh water aquarium for years. If anyone can give me a clue as to what might be going on, it would be greatly appreciated.
Regards, George


Active Member
imo, i would never use well water for a salt water aqirium u really need to use ro/di what kind of lights are u using


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
your levels are out of wack. you need to get your amonia and nitrates down what kind of lights?
thats true ammonia is very toxic could be comming from well water no joke


Active Member
your well could be a severe problem things like iron, organics and heavy metals can be riding in on your water. bad juju from wells in most cases. possibly copper from your pipes too.