my poor starts and stripes!


okay, unfortunately I can't post a pic. I'm not on my computer, mine is currently down, and I don't know how to upload on this one. But, I really need some advice. My tank has been perfect for a few years now, until I bought a porcupine. The poor fish got really sick and died. Now, my stars and stripes has fuzzy, cottony looking stuff growing all over him. I treated the tank with a 5 day treatment of Maracyn 2, then did a 50% water change and am currently treating with coppersafe, started, today he's looking really bad, very very "fuzzy". It dawned on me that I've heard of people doing a freshwater dip to get rid of parasites, so I took him out and soaked him in some freshwater for about 1-2 minutes. He's DEFINITELY looking less fuzzy! But, I'm wondering, what now? Should I do another freshwater dip? If so, when and for how long? Thanks, much appreciated!


Staff member
You're biggest problem is that you are dumping potent medications in to you display tank resulting in the mass die-off of your bio-filter. Is this a fish-only tank??
Take a look at the pictures of fish with lymphocyctis in the Diseased Fish Topic, top of this forum, to see if it looks like your problem.


Yes, it's a FOWLR tank. Also, it doesn't look like the disease you mentioned at all. It's more stringy and cottony.


Staff member
No, it is not a fish only tank. A fish only tank does not have live rock.
My thought is that the quality of your tank has been so compromised by the use of antibiotics and copper that it is going to seriously effect whatever you have in that tank.
Your live rock is no longer alive. What are your water readings?
I would recommend that you stop using medications in your display tank, and start doing water changes.
What other fish do you have in your tank, and how are they doing?


My water parameters are ammonia 0, nitrites 0 nitrates 10, and pH 8.0
It's weird, my other fish are all doing just fine. Since my freshwater dip on my puffer, he is looking much better. Still a little cottony, but probably about 75% of it is gone. He's also out swimming around still, but no appetite yet. I thought about doing one more freshwater dip with him today, but wanted to wait to see what you said about it. I definitely don't want to stress him out, but if it could ultimately help get the rest of the stuff off of him, I'd be willing to give it a shot.
I'm currently not too worried about my live rock. It will be fine over time. My concern is with my puffer and the other fish in the tank. Thanks for your help so far, what do you think about the FW dip?
Also, I will be doing a 25% water change tomorrow, should I do another dose of coppersafe afterwards?


Staff member
To me FW dips do not accomplish a whole lot. If a fish is covered with ich, then a FW dip will cause some of the attached parasite to drop off providing some temporary immediate relief, but not much else. It will not cure any disease, and it has no effect on anything except some surface parasites.
If anything the antibiotics is what is actually helping.
Please describe in detail exactly what you see on the fish.


Thanks, Beth, when I am looking at him, I don't see anything on his actual skin, as far as spots or discoloring. It's something that is attached to him. The attached stuff looks very much like strings of cotton. There are a couple strands on one of his eyes, but mainly they're on his back/sides. His coloration is just a little bit on the lighter side, but he mostly is looking good. He was very fat, and still appears to be at a healthy weight, even though he hasn't really eaten for a few days. do you have an email address I could forward a picture to? I have a picture in my email account, but am not sure on this computer what programs are used to get the picture edited and attached as an attachment here. I have pictures on my cell phone I could send to you also. I really appreciate your willingness to help out.


Staff member does not really a program for pictures. As long as your picture meets the size requirements, you should be able to up load it.
Discontinue the copper. As I said, the Maracyn Two is likely what is improving the situation. I can't responsibility advise you to dose your display however.


I will read the directions on the box for maracyn 2, and if it says it's okay, I may do one more treatment and see what happens. I will look into the pictures again and see if I can figure it out also


I'm happy to say that my puffer is back to normal! I don't know if it was the Maracyn 2 or the coppersafe, but whichever it was, it worked! All of the cottony substance is gone and he ate for the first time today in about 5 days. Thanks for all your input Beth!