My Porcupine Puffer with ich

pogi pants

ok, i have a question about this. Has anyone had a cleaner shrimp with a puffer? What was the outcome? Is it possible that they can live together?


Originally Posted by Pogi Pants
ok, i have a question about this. Has anyone had a cleaner shrimp with a puffer? What was the outcome? Is it possible that they can live together?
No, that would be an evpensive snack for the fish. Please post this in disease and treatment. All of the fish in your tank have been exposed to ich and they all need to be treated. Did you just get this puffer?

pogi pants

no, i've had this puffer for over 2 years. the new fish i bought last week was a kole tang. he did great untill today. i came home and he is covered in ich. my puffer is the ony other fish that has ich besides the kole. my puffer is also the only aggressive fish in the tank. that's why i'm asking if he'd be ok with a cleaner shrimp


Originally Posted by Pogi Pants
no, i've had this puffer for over 2 years. the new fish i bought last week was a kole tang. he did great untill today. i came home and he is covered in ich. my puffer is the ony other fish that has ich besides the kole. my puffer is also the only aggressive fish in the tank. that's why i'm asking if he'd be ok with a cleaner shrimp
Cleaner shrimp only pick some of the ich spots off. They do not eat the ich that are reproducing in the sand bed. Cleaner shrimp are not going to rid your tank of ich. It does not matter if the other fish are showing signs of ich or not. They have all been exposed and they all need to be treated.


agreed, sorry it stinks, but you have a bit of a road ahead. I have been doing hypo for about 4 weeks now...two to go...can't wait to get my fish out of these qt's