my powder blue got ick


Active Member
i don't know what to do? :help:
if hyposalinity will it kills my live rocks? there over 200 lbs. and with this ls list
snowflake 24"
lion fish 6" to 8"
clown trigger 3 "
niger trigger 5"
yellow tang 4" and 6"
powder blue tang 6"
maroon gold stripehclown 3 1/2 "
harlequin tusk 5"
lunare wrasse 5"
dragon wrasse 6"
porcupine puffer 5"
toby puffer 5"
2 hermit crab 1 1/2 "
on 4'wide x 3'depth x 30" high in wall tank
way too many livestocki know..
its hard to take them out plus its acrylic tank...i still have my old 120 gallon tank for qt but i dont know...but most of these fish are hardy except for the thinking some chemicals that i used before supposed to be safe with inverts even though its(copper base) but all of my fish are doing fine for more than 3 weeks now and should i keep the temp high or low..... please help :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:


Active Member
Are you feeding your fish with any sort of garlic supplement? Soaking food in garlic, or feeding garlic pellets will help with then ick, and help build your fishes immune system.


Garlic helps them eat. I don't see it do anything for their immune. Selcon is a vitamin suppl. Try soaking IT in their food to boost immune. I don't see any cleaner shrimp? Not that you have the room, but Scarlet shrimp clean fish & help keep them free of ich. I guess a good cleaning helps them feel better. Don't you after a good shower? Shrimps get the dead skin off them. Buy 3 gives you a nice cleaning station. Again, not sure of space?


Active Member
At the very least they'll make a good shrimp dinner (although expensive) for all those aggressive/predator fish...
The real issue here is overcrowded conditions causing stress...
Stress produces hormones that lower immune systems ability to fight infection..
Ick will continue to plague you until the fish load is reduced to a manageable 1/2...
Then treat the chosen few in hypo salinity outside the main tank for 4 weeks (hypo also reduces energy consumption needed for osmotic regulation allowing more to be used for healing)


I have nothing but aggressive fish in my tank. They leave them alone. The shrimp found a place on the other side of the tank & started a cleaning station. My dog faced puffer even waits in line!! So does my picasso trigger. Expensive, but well worth my tanks happiness & survival. Again, I never had another ich breakout since!!


Hypo will kill your live rock. The decay will shoot the levels of your tank to H@ll and all you had to do was buy 1 scarlet cleaner. Is a $20(?) shimp worth the life & cost of your LR? It is common knowledge in the fish world to leave the cleaner shrimp alone. That is why you have some shrimps that mimic the cleaners. Then when they get close, they BITE!!
Sorry, but squidd does not know anything about this subject. I have 3 in my tank & my 8' puffer & 7' trigger love to be pampered & wait their turn!!!
Who doesn't love a good bath/shower??


Active Member
Sorry, but squidd does not know anything about this subject.

Well good luck with that then...:thinking:
To both of you...


Active Member
all those aggressive fish will surely eat a shrimp. especially the wrasses. you just got lucky aquapro


Active Member
i just found out the my uv pump was malfuntioning for a while..that's why my powder blue got ick and my not feeding him pellets for a week now i resume plus i put some greens in there so guess... but anyway can i used cupramine i think thats what is called..can i used it.......


I don't think the UV is the problem. I think cupramine is toxin. I have tried kick ich before and it did cure my tank. but the most important thing is to have better water quality and patience. and try to give them better diet. add garlic and vitamin C to your food. Cleaner shrimps will work, but not in your tank, your fish will definitely eat it. On one of my old tank. I had 2 shrimps and had a small lion, the lion likt the shrimp to clean him too. but when the lion grew bigger eventually ate it. That's my experience. Plus if you don't have the shrimp in there already. When you put it in. They might think it's dinner. If you really want to try, try putting it in after you turn off the lights for a couple of hours first.


Active Member
thank you very much... i think my tank temp was droping significantly too 1 degree to 2 degrees per day. i don't used my heater thinking that the temp should be as low as possible 76 ... but 84 is better?. i'll try to raise slowly and i've been feeding them pellets again and spinach and lettuce.... i'm just going to ride this one out...because every body is still doing good for couple maybe three weeks now.. how long is the parasite cycle?