my project for today


Ok, today I took the task of changing my CC over to sand. I've read up on some of the debating on here and went with (i have a 55 gallon FO) I went with , now some may repromand me, but Iwent with Southdown.......50lbs of it and on top of the 30lbs of LS. I was able to save all but about 5 gallons, but i mixed some up friday so I had plenty......WAY plenty......anyhow, I just sat down after starting at 9 am. Took my Huma and my clown out of the QT tank and they have joined the big blue leg, the red leg and the CC starfish. They took there time readjusting, but i got the good sign.....Yup, the Huma already started moving sand out of his "hole" So now eventually since I have a only with tacky decor..........I will be soon asking advice on how to choose LR........but I gotta work a couple more weeks and get the band account back to a comfy spot!! Just want to end with a thanks...........learn something new everyday and, heck, you're all just freindlt people........EVEN the import motor heads:D


ARG!!!!! CLoudy mess! Er, let me rephrase.......was settling was just about clear.......but like I said in my last post, Huma man was landscaping..........yeah, he is making a mess!!!! Aw but its fun to watch him!