My Puffer


I got my new Puffer yesterday. Here is the low down. I accli. him for 1 hr+, he swam to the bottom and just sat there. i left the lights off all day yesterday and I came home today from work and turn th lights on and tried to feed him and he would swim a lil but not much. I check all my settings and all are good except Ammonia was 1 everything else was 0 and salt and ph was good. I read on this site under the acclimation that they will lay on the bottom so is he okor should I be doing something. I have had him almost 1 day.


well you shouldnt have your ammonia at 1 for starters. there should be none. that could definetly be why hes stresed.


what are you trying to feed him? porky do get stress from time to time but they usually do really good. keep us posted on his progress.


I would definately do a water change to lower ammonia fast, but when I brought my puffer home he did seem rather sluggish and took a little while to get up to speed. He is a rather slow-moving fish altogether and should do fine once ammonia is lowered. Try to get it as close to 0 as possible.


Seems like just one of their typical behaviors...There is no need to worry. Your porky just needs some time to acclimate to a new environment since it's been only one day. About your porky laying on the's just what they do. I've kept my porky for the past six months, and it usually sits on the bottom during the day just like yours. It only moves around when there is something that catches its attention, which is food in most cases. Mine swims like crazy whenever he's hungry or in the presence of food, and when he becomes content..he assumes his position in his favourite cave. Just give him a couple of days, and let us know how things go.
P.S Make sure you do something about that ammonia. Make it zero!


When i got home this morning he was dead and stuck between 2 large rocks. I did do a water change yesterday and the ammonia was down to .25 or less. He seemed better when I went to work last night but I guess he wasnt. There was some bubbles on him but I dont know if it was him just dying or what. THIS SUCKS.


Wat other tank mates? I think the ammonia may have gotten to him, but porks are usually hardy. Did he eat at all? Wat was yer specific gravity? Well, sorry for yer loss.


I'm new into the hobby and my first fish was a stars and stripes puffer, the first day I acclimated him and he instantly started eating off my live rock and swimming vigoursly. He instantly ate and seemed healthy right away. Hoe long has your tank been up???


I had a puffer that I added about 2 weeks after initial set-up. Now I know this is a big NO NO but he's fine, My ammonia went up and down a bit. But he surivied. Always perky swimming around the tank, I offered krill but he didn't want anything to do with it, Finally after three days I threw in a tuffy, He went nuts, He must of ate like 7 of them, It wasn't until I got my

trigger that he started to eat the krill, Seemed like he didn't know what to do with it until he saw the trigger eat, Sound stupid but what can I say