My Recent Tank updated!

I have two videos one it just a steady shot and one is a little close up. Both were taken at different dates.
Oceanic BioCube 29 tank info
Water Chemistry Level:
Calcium 440 ppm
Nitrates: 5 ppm
Nitrites: 0 ppm
Ammonia: 0 ppm
I do not dose since I do weekly 5 gallon water changes
Live Rock:
20-25Lb Live Rock
3 Brown leg Hermit Crab
20 Blue Leg Crab
1 Slunk Cleaner Shrimp
3 Peppermint Shrimp
Roughly 5 Turbo Snail
Asst Snail
Flame Angel
2 Percula False Clown Fish
Tooth Coral
ORA Torch Coral
Zoanthids Dragonette
ORA Xenia Pumping
Ricordea Mushroom
Green Whisker
Green Metallic Star Polyps
Silver Pulsing Xenia
Candy Cane Button
Marshall Hammer Coral
2x 425 GPH Circulation Pump
AquaLife Mini Skimmer 115
2x 12 Inch Led Lighting 50/50 White/Actinic (10,000K) each
Desk Lamp (60Watt)
Chemi Pure Carbon
Phosphate guard
Oceanic BioCube Cartridage Carbon
Filter Floss
New Life Spectrum Marine Fish Formula
Hikari sm pellet
Hikari Seaweed Extreme S (sinking pellet)
Brown Seaweed Algea
Frozen Brine Shrimp
Frozen Spirulina Brine Shrimp
Frozen Rod's Coral Blend
(once in a while Live Brine Shrimp)
Tetra 100W Heater
Water (RO)
Instant Ocean Salt
Tank been running for 2 years and half