My red mashroom coral turning wight?


Active Member
I boght a small mushroom carol like on the thread "I boght a red mushroom but what does it eat?". Well It was hard finding a place for it. It was being battered around and moved alot to find a good spot for it. I also have brighter lighting than the tank i boght it from. Then i left for 6 hours to go somewhere and i come home and now it is turning wight! I have only had it for 10 hours a acllamted regurly. My other coral is doing fine. Wye is it turning wight? Has any one expeirience this befor. Will it die?


Active Member
it called light shock, it bleaching out because your light is more intense than the place it originated from, move it down lower or put it in a shaded zone.
you should always light acclimate corals by placing them low in uyour tank then slowly moving them up to where you want them if your lights are brighter than the light they are used to. and the opposite for corals from higher light tanks start them high and slowly move them down over the next couple weeks so they get used to the lower lighting.
shrooms are tough so you have a fair chance at recovery if you rectify the situation quickly.


Active Member
just a couple inches a week. light intensity changes pretty dramaticly in just a couple inches of light/depth penetration into water.
but dont start moving him up untill he recovers from his bout of bleaching, this may take several weeks as he has to regrow his zooxanthella that died off.


Active Member
mushrooms r tough corals and dont need that much light. most people just leave them on their substrate. i would stop moving them so much. every time u move a coral, it takes them days or weeks to readjust again.