my reef of 14 months


awesome looking tank. i like the polyps in the 2nd picture blue and green it looks like?
what size is your tank?


Great tank, I was wondering what lights you are using on it?


wow that is awesome!
i really like the school of chromis

heart & sole

great tank, i really like how bright your green monti is...


Active Member
thanx to all of u guys comments. the tang is 4-5 inches in length. used to hv a sailfin in the 72, but he is now in my fowlr bc he was nipping at my clams. the green monti has been fragged a few times. the light i am using is the nova extreme pro 6x54w t5. just ordered some replacements ati t5 bulbs. cant wait to get them to see how the colors will change. i ordered 1 ati pro-color and 2 12k blue.


Gorgeous tank. I just noticed that you have two different clowns in that tank. I have always heard not to mix species of clowns in the same tank. How do they get along in yours?
I really like the montis and the clams as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cmaxwell39
Gorgeous tank. I just noticed that you have two different clowns in that tank. I have always heard not to mix species of clowns in the same tank. How do they get along in yours?
I really like the montis and the clams as well.
Have to agree, I have a super bully cinnamon clown that would never allow another clown in the tank.....super jealous.

Absolutely beautiful color in the tank. Keep up the good work. Next year the monti's will be so much fuller.


Active Member
the tomato and the oscellaris get along fine. the tomato used to chase away the other 2 when i had my anemone. but ever since i removed the anemone, the tomato has been very peaceful. they actually swim and play together. the original gsp really took off after i got another tiny 1-inch gsp frag next to it. they seem to be competing to see who can spread the fastest. i did the same thing with my zoas. i'd put 2-3 different zoas 1 inch apart, and they seem to spread faster as a result. could be coincidence, but who knows.


How long have you had the Nova extreme Pro? How do you like it? What light were you running before you got it?


Active Member
thanx tripkids. the nova pro 6x54w i had it since nov 07. b4 that, i had the 2x150w mh sunpod for 6 weeks. and b4 that, i had the regular nova 4x54w. i just like the way t5 look over my tank better.


I have the regular nova 8 bulb over my 75. Do you think I would gain much by going to the Pro? I don't really have the money right now, I was just curious if you thought it would be that much better by going with the Pro over the regular nova 8x54w?


Active Member
pro is better bc its got the reflector over each bulb instead of one big reflector over all 8 bulbs for the regular nova.