my reef pics, HELP!!!!!!!!


of 24 shots all I got were these 2, the first 2 are the original's and the 2nd 2 were lightened up some but thats what I got. ok so what i'm I doing wrong?? the film was kodak gold 400 the tank was fully lighted and the room light was on. take a look and from what you can see whats your opinion??


What you put up was actually a link to a site, not an actual picture, so I will post the link for others to see... <a href="" target="_blank">web page and pics</a> Sorry I can not help I use a digital camera


I have been playing with computers for over 20 years. I do some freelance programming, design some websites, and ran a computer store. I currently make my living on the web, so I just look at the what the link should be or view the code that makes the page look like what you see. Then if I find a mistake, I try to fix it, which is fairly easy in a forum like this, but on a web page, I will notify the owner.
I usually try to help when I can. I am not a photographer, but did you set the camera to match the speed of the film. Did you open the iris enough to let the proper amount light in? If it has a light meter, make sure it is in the proper range, and or working.
Good luck, someone with more knowledge will surely help.


iris?? you mean shutter =) if you leave the shutter open a while and dont move the camera more lite gets in but will distorte any moving object. Now with my digi.. still sucks you need lots of light just like use a

tank light and put it behind you and take a pic just make sure there is tons of light on the tank and you get a decent pic.
Also kelly i bet you are smart but if a guy asked how you found the link.. i mean doent take a rocket scientist to do that, so explain it easy like so. Just right click on the bad pic or the red X and go to properties. then you will see a http address secelt it then right click copy and paste into a new window as the address you want to go to.. and presto the page shows up. all kelly did was take it and make a link out of it. The first guy tried to make a "PIC" out of a "link" lets just say that dont work. And kelly im 17 and i dont think computers were well "around" for 20 years.. well not home ones at least =)


Active Member
Actually the light meter would tell you the correct shutter speed and apeature to set the camera at in order to allow enough light in to get a proper exposure ;) If your using a 35mm on your tank, get a tripod or set something up to mount the camera on, turn off all the lights except those on the tank, turn the pumps off in the tank, set your camera in manual mode and use the light meter to set your shutter speed and apeature, and set the timer on your camera. 400 speed film should work fine, but you may also try some 800 if you want. Its a little more sensitve to light and if your not running really intense lights on your tank it may help ;) Dig cams are nice, but they still arent up to 35mm standards, there are some really expensive dig cams out there that come really close, but a $200 35mm minolta or nikon will blow them out the water as far as picture quality ;) HTH


I am not sure why I said iris, I just could not think of shutter. As far as computers being aroung 20 years ago, yes they were. My first computer was a commodore 64. 18 years ago, I graduated from Computer Tech in Pittsburgh, I remember this, because my second set of twins were born about 3 months before I graduated, and they just turned 18 in November. Just before I started school, NEC and a few other companies had personal computers that ran on a non-dos operating system, I think it was called CPM.
Sorry, I was not trying to make it sound like rocket science.


i'll agree with you adrian on better quality out of a 35mm, after I picked up these photos I did pick up another roll of 800 spd film and i'll try to get some nice pics of my reef on here to share with the others, thanx for the info!! i'll give your ideas a try.


Active Member
hey reefnjeff,
My pics are now with my new digital camera. I have some older pics on yahoo that I took with 400 speed fil and got it devloped on disk. <a href="" target="_blank">Yahoo photos with 35mm camera</a>
and u can compare with my webpage in my signiture...there is a world of difference. The 35mm is not anything's about $100.00, but then again the dig camera was $179.00. Anyways, good luck with ur pics and nice tank!


hey eric!! I'd say a!!!!! good looking reef, how old is it?? you sure got some serious coralline growth going on there, my tank is going on 9 weeks and the coralline is just now starting to appear on the glass. P.S. thanks for your complement on my tank, even though much is not it's still nice to get some acknowledgement on ones effort's, but i'll tinkle with the 35mm and try to get much better pics on far as the digital goes, i'll finish the tank first before that advancement.. :D


Hey ReefnJeff ! THAT'S EXACTLY HOW MY PICTURES LOOK TOO!!!! Thank God I'm not the only one...........
I feel so much better now :)