My regal w/ popeye


Active Member
My 2 yr old blue tang has come down with popeye. He's about 3 inches had him since he was 1/2 inch. I'm thinking it might be becasue i added a powder blue that was really close to the same size so they may be stressin each other out.
How do you cure popeye?


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
How do you cure popeye?
Not sure what causes popeye, but clean water and good diet (including vitamins) has helped cure this disease for a few of my fish. I had two clowns and one trigger with popeye (a LFS gave me the trigger of this) and after a couple months of frequent water changes and feeding them a variety of frozen foods with vitamins and live brine gut stuffed with vitamins the popeye went away. I hope this helps.


Active Member
I am treating my Majestic who must have had some trauma the his eye as it developed a thick white film overnight and swollen eye membrane with Furian 2 and Melafix. It seems to be working as it is day 4 and the eye is about 70 percent better. I think that I read in my research that pop eye is a bacterial infection. I would treat in a seperate tank. If you do not have a hospital tank set up and cycled then get a heater and a powerhead with a venturi for oxygenation and use a 20 to 30 plus gallon rubbermaid for a tank. Also a large piece of pvc pipe to hide in. In an uncycled tank one must use a heavy dose of cycle bacteria and ammo lock to keep the ammonia from spiking and change the water no less often than every third day. Feed lightly to keep water quality high and use a fine net to remove any uneaten food. Make sure to acculamate your fish between water changes. Good luck, Lesley


You can leave the fish in the display as long as the fish are not fighting. Keep your water quality high and feed nutritious foods dosed with vitamines. The fish will heal himself.


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
My 2 yr old blue tang has come down with popeye. He's about 3 inches had him since he was 1/2 inch. I'm thinking it might be becasue i added a powder blue that was really close to the same size so they may be stressin each other out.
How do you cure popeye?
you cure it with one tablespoon of epsom salt per gallon of water. it will be gone in days. you can add it to the display tank. works great nothing better