My return pump just died.


Well I just walked into the kitchen and I noticed my water level in my 55 was low. My return pump was not running. It must have just happened because I was just looking at the tank maybe 30min prior. Of course I dont have an extra one. Figures.
Well I hooked up the pump that runs my UVS to get some water moving. At least there is some flow in there. My problem is that im not going to be able to buy a new pump untill the middle of next week.
You guys think ill be ok untill then?


you can sustain the tank as long as you have power heads and a heater in there. if you can get your protein skimmer in there that'd be ideal. Don't feed too much. do water 15-20% water change this weekend, you should be cool.


Costed me a little,
But that is why I have a spare on a shelf in the garage. Maybe because I'm an ol' roadwarrior service tech that realizes to keep spares for the important things, but I dont' have to worry about emergencies!


No doubt.
My wife thinks I'm insane, because I have spares for all my stuff...including the bulbs, but when you wake up one morning to a blown MH bulb....sometimes they are 5 days away expidited....