My Ric's Missing


Active Member
Just Venting:
I noticed two days ago when waking up and doing my normal maintance routine that my 25 dollar Orange Ricordia from this site that I just got was either nocked off the rock or something ate it.
I have looked and looked and really don't want to move all my lr but maybe I should. I was kinda hoping it would just pop out one of these mornings.
I really liked that frag it was finally fully opening too.
Anyways, what should I do you think?


If you have a moonlight, you can look for it after the lights go off since they glow under the moonlight!
I don't think I've ever even heard of one that hasn't relocated itself after a move. Find it quick, before it reattaches in a place you won't be able to see it easily.


Something was eating my new orance ric. and I think it was peppermint shrimp. After moving them to the fuge, the ric. is recovering nicely. Just one experience.


Active Member
I have had a few move from where they were placed but I usually found them within a few days. Look at night with the use of a moon light as already suggested is a good way. ANother method is to use a turkey baster to gently puff water into areas yu can not see and hope to make it pop up. The turkey baster is what I usually wind up doing as often times the polyp gets stuck in between a crevice etc, due to current and aquascapeing, not by its own choice.
I have peppermints myself and lots of rics but personally never have had a problem with them or anything else being eaten.
ONce you find it pin it in place for a few days and it will stay. NOt in a high water flow area and not overly bright light, but some flow and decent lights is all they require.


The best way to find missing rics, is to buy a new one and as soon as you put it in your tank the old one will pop up out from no where .



Active Member
I Found It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It Was In My Blue Devils Hide Out! Yeah!!!