My rock anenome?


New Member
Anybody know what his deal is? He has like doubled in size the past 3 weeks.. and is starting to do lots of little exercises all day long... i think hes working out! do they split? i am a serious novice with my tank.. here are some pictures.. anybody have any ideas what i can do to make it better?


Active Member
di dhe come on your rock??? looks like aptesia to me.... get rid of him if so.... joes juice is probabilly your only bet with one that big


No its not aiptasia, its a rock/flower anemone, had one myself, prettiest green and white one. Leave him alone he's just pumping water, and feed him some meaty foods.


New Member
I'd say that he is about... 5.5 inches... quite large i guess? Do they get bigger? Ive been giving him chunks of frozen brine..... a chuck every 3-5 days...
Do anemomes breed? or split?


Not sure how large these get, believe mine got to be about 5 inches across. I'm also not sure how these particular ones breed.
Reproduction of Anemones:
Spans the entire gamut, sexual and asexual. New individuals may form from a piece torn off during locomotion or trauma, by longitudinal or transverse fission.
Sea anemones may be separate sexes or hermaphroditic. If same ---, generally eggs and sperm tend to be produced at different times. Fertilization and some development may occur within the body cavity or not. Typically, anemone larvae have a planktonic developmental phase before settling.


Active Member
it looks like its trying to feed on what ever is floating by in the tank to me.also that looks like a very tall tank. do have it under halides? if its attached to a rock i would raise the rock up higher closer to the lighting and feed it very small meaty foods .my seabae accually eats pellets now lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Triggaluv
its a 20H with 130 PC 50/50 12k and blue actinic....... you think thats enough?
no i think you would do better for it with MH although your tank isnt over 24 inches the spectrum of those lights arent enough to maintain an anenome for a long period of time.i reccomend an upgrade as soon as you can the sooner the better b4 the anenome suffers from lack of lighting


Anemones do split. I have a bubble tip. Errr, I have 3 bubble tips that were once one. Yours is a rock/flower anemone. I agree with the post above about him taking in water. I feed mine largchunks of shrimp. Some of these flower type anemones will reproduce instead of splitting. I had a large orange one that had little tiny baby polyps and an angel ate them.



is that sun coral in the back of your last pic??? I love sun coral and i plan on getting one for tank i run at the lfs.