my rock for your lights or skimmer


Active Member
i have 58 pounds of base rock that I am willing to trade for metal halide lighting or a skimmer. it can be a clip on lighting or anything except retrofit, or a hang on tank skimmer heres a link to it
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just let me know thanks


hey ryan what size tank do u have ? you didn't say anything about lights or skimmer earlier when i was talking to you about the rock. my wife said for me to wait to BUY rock didn't say i couldn't trade for it...haha hehe give me a shout and we still maybe able to workout something out


Active Member
i have a 75 gallon but the lights can really be any size as for the skimmer mmmm.... 60 gallons +
yeah the idea just came to me.
if you have lights or a skimmer or something else to trade lmk


ive got a typhoon skimmer rated uo to 110 its on 55 but i have another skimmer so its no big deal its less than 2 months old and works great


ryan i can get u some pics soory for the delay had to go to court for a little girl im in the process of adopting i have 130 power compacts 24 inch by odyssea


Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
hmmmm hae n e thing else aquarium related?
btw congrats
no not right now but do you have any soft corals? if u would be willing to donate some for a beginner i could swing shipping and handling


Active Member
i do have some corals... but am in the middle of a tank transfer right now and cannot fran n e thing because i dont want to stress them. check out ryanhayes9 75 gallon tank diary under the reef category. ill have pictures of them up soon!