My Order And Questions


My oder came today from everything is doing just wonderful!! I do have 2 questions to ask... My bubble tip anemone is doing good but it is like sitting on its side right up against my rock work pushing like as far back to the rocks as it can.... with its tectiles(not sure of the spelling) all out and almost looks like a big white flower that has grown sidewys into the rock... can this be cause he dont want to be hosted yet? and so no clowns can get in his tectiles yet? My second question is my Turbo snells are like hooked together and they are alive but hooked together... should I get them apart or will they work it out??


Active Member
The shells will work themselves out, and their is no guarantee that the clowns will host. I've had my clowns and bta together for 7-8 months and the clowns still don't host the bta. They do host a feather duster though. :hilarious