A few weeks ago I put in a PVC pipe in my tank for my SFE, he hangs out in it all the time still eats and looks fine. However about half the time he sits sideways or even upside down, is this normal? should I be worried?
check you water spec make sure everything is right where it needs to be.another thing do you dose it iodine? be sure if you dont now they you start eels need added iodine suppiments to prevent gout(swelling of glands in thoat(hard to notice till its too late to reverse)
Originally Posted by unleashed http:///forum/post/2802784
check you water spec make sure everything is right where it needs to be.another thing do you dose it iodine? be sure if you dont now they you start eels need added iodine suppiments to prevent gout(swelling of glands in thoat(hard to notice till its too late to reverse)
What? Gout is a joint disease, not a glandular disease. It also has nothing to do with iodine.