My shrimp molted and...


Member scared the crap out of me. I came home to find my coral banded shrimp upside on a rock, and freaked out until I realized it was just his shell. Incredible... his new colors are so bright and vivid. Just wondering, how often do shrimp tend to molt?


This makes sense, since Ive had him about three weeks or so... so far hes doing great. Thanks for the reply!!!


Active Member
i dont think there is a set time, they just do it when they need it. sometimes its a month, two weeks, or 6 months.


This may sound like a dumb question-
But honestly why do they molt? Is it because there getting bigger or what?


i have one to and it seems every three weeks he is doing it ..the first time scared me because i came out in the morning and saw him stuck to a power head lol..i was freaking out until i went to get him out .....the colours are brighter plus just before the skin is lifting off so they look a little dull...


I am quite surprised actually, my CBS has molted a couple of times, even though I use filtered tap water for most of my water changes.

barry cuda


Originally posted by nolson
But honestly why do they molt? Is it because there getting bigger or what?

Yes. The shell is rigid and can't expand as the animal inside grows, so periodically they have to leave it behind in favor of a new one.