My Shrimp!!!!!!!!!!!!

s.a. boy

Hi Everyone
This morning I woke up (As people do after a good nights sleep)
went through and prepeared my food for my fish. I fed my fish and every thing looked good. I then had to topup my water in my tank wish fresh water (nosalt). I cam back about 45min later as I was leaving and I was than I had a dead dancing shrimp . The strange thing is that It look like the was in the middle on sheading his skin but it wasn't finished.
Any Ideas y he died
Tank 100gal
1 Powder Brown
3 Domino Damsels
1 Yellow Tailed Damsel
1 Fire Goby
1 Coral Beauty
1 cleaner shrimp


I know when lobsters shed their old shell they actually have to quit breathing during the process. If they are too weak for what ever reason to complete the molt before their body gives out they could die. Perhaps this is what happened.
Also I understand that a shrimps new shell is not solid when completely fresh, more like a very tight mesh.... and since it is not solid they are volnerable to stings from anenomies, bristle worms, etc.
And when you said you had a dead dancing shrimp... at first I read it as if it were a dead shrimp that was dancing.... man is it late and I really need to go to bed.
Read that same line five times trying to figure what the h### you were saying.