my situation


Active Member
i have a 135. temp is 79. ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates = 0. salinity = 1.026. alk about 9.8. tank has been running in my house for a little over a month. got the tank from a client of mine (freebie w/everything in it just had to move it out of his house). i'm guessing there's about 260 lbs of lr w/140lbs of ls.
currently swimming:
2 false percs
1 black occularis
1 royal gramma
1 blue atlantic damsel (i think)
1 flame angel
1 juvi queen angel (newest addition)
currently crawling:
3 cleaner shrimp
???? hermits (red and blue leg)
???? snails (mostly turbos)
2 sally lightfoots
several species of mushrooms
god knows how many feather dusters
pink tip hatian anemone
my problem:
yesterday i did a 25 gal water change. stirred up a fair amount of crud and did my best to syphon it out. this evening, i noticed that my gramma, 2 angels and damsel have little white spots on the tail fins. i'm guessing it's ich. i do not have a qt tank set up. (never got around to it) yes i know - big mistake. don't shoot me's where i don't know what to do. after reading up on beth's wonderful thread about diseases, and several other threads, the best option is clearly to prevent it. too late. the next best thing is to remove the fish and go fishless for 6 weeks. now i do have a "free tank" once i get rid of my snake to use a a qt tank. however that will need to be cured unles i use water from my display tank right? then treat via hypo? if that is the case, 1) will a 20g house all of those fish for 6 weeks, and 2) how do i set about cathing the fish? i think it would be easier to catch them with a rod and reel than removing all of the lr.
please offer some suggestions and advice


Active Member
IMO, strirring it up would not create an ICH "breakeout" could be wrong. If it is only on the tails; my guess is sand? Or the crud you stirred up.


Staff member
Don't get rid of your snake. Snakes are good pets. Use a large square rubbermaid QT for this immediate problem.


New Member
I doubt it's ich. I had the asme thing happen to a few of my fish and it worked itself out. I imagine that it's stress related (my opinion anyway). My Domino Damsel does the same thing everytime I do major cleaning and after a day or so it disappears.
However, the discoloration doesn't appear to be "on" the skin; it appears as if there is a whitening of the skins pigment.
Does your's appear to be on or in the skin of the fish?