My Snowflake Eel Is not eating??

Ok so i have had this eel for a few weeks and he is doing great,he looks good,but he has not eaten.I have tried to feed him brine shrimp and a fresh shrimp. He just goes to it and smells it. Does anyone have any advice. I really need it.

black cobra

Sometimes it takes a little bit to get a SFE to eat. They can go weeks without eating. Try some silversides.
You could also try making your own food. Chop up some clams,muscles,oysters, shrimp.... bag it, freeze it and try surving him that up

it's chuck

How small is he unless he is tiny it is pointless to try to feed him brine. I would try silversides and clams(clams are what mine started eating first) and try treating the food with selcon or garlic, eels are nearly blind and depend heavily on smell. If that doesn't work try getting some live littleneck clams from your local seafood market or grocery store rip them open and put it in the tank with him


I wouldn't worry about the garlic. Never has worked for me. Go to your grocery store and get fresh RAW shrimp. Cut a peice the size of his head or a little bigger and put on some kind of feeding stick. I used a skewer at first but now use some rigid air tube with a stick rubberbanded to it. Wave in front of his face. He will eat it trust me. Also turn off powerheads at feeding time. Will signal its time to eat and he will come out.