New Member
Ok i had my snowflake eel at a tank at my school since about September. I brought him home yesterday(friday) and I acclimated him using the drip system for 2 hours. I useda steril(spelling?) IV tubing and a drip modifier so i could get exactly 6-7 drips a second.I brought him to my house in a peice of live rock maybe 20 lbs. I figured i wouldn't be able to get him out of there. after i place the live rock in my tank where i wanted it he moved around a bit then He went into is sleeping position, or relaxing. Pretty much the position i always see him in, I can only see barely the end of his tail hanging out of the live rock. Well today at normal feeding time he did not want to eat, How long is thiss supposed to go on, him not eating. I had an incident at school where some dumbass fed him a jumbo shrimp and he was sick for a week. Should i try another food like silversides? Im using krill. In advance, THanks for your help and time.