my sump has a sump, that has a sump.


Active Member
ok heres one for you guys a plumbing nightmare but an interesting challenge nonthe less. I am setting up a triple sump in preperation for the eventual change over to the 120g tank. I need to do some shuffeling and lift the 60cube sump up so I can lift the 20g sump so it will drain into the undertank 30g sump. but I figured I would show you guys the messed up look that muy sumps have created. two of the sumps are not connected to the system yet as I want to make sure my tank has recovered before bringing new systems inline. but I just thought it looked net (the third sump is under the stand)


Active Member
So, that is all the tanks in the pic? The 120 and the three sumps?
Are you wanting the sumps hidden? Doesn't really matter at all.
Is the 120 drilled in any way? Neither does this. I guess I am just being nosey. Sorry
If hidden or not, I would build one stand or two stands to hold the tanks. Since you have to drain the tanks to move them I would drill them for durso style drains. In this case I am not so sure boxes would need to be use to skim the surface. It just needs to be a bulkhead with plumbing on the outside. The OF boxes would help for sure to keep the concentrated protiens flowing into the skimmer. A difference in height should be all that is needed. Gravity is our friend. By using dursos they would just be drains moving water into the next tank, finaly ending in the third sump where the return pump will be. Then plumb the return into the 120. Your dursos will establish how much each sump can hold and they won't add really anything to the back siphon from a power outage. You can put in power heads in each sump to handle the turn over to keep every thing happy.
Doing it this way makes it simple. It also allows each tank (depending on where you drill them) to be used again as tanks. So you can sell them as tanks and not sumps, when or if you get one big tank for the sump.
What do you think?


Active Member
thats my 75g, the 120g is out in the work shop waiting for a pane of glass, for the bottom.
what you see in the pic is the 75g the 60cube and a 20g sump. the 30g sump is under the tank. eventually the sumps will be semi hidden, they will all be under the 120 but for now they are just getting primed cycled and circulated to get them ready in advance for the big tank.