My sump Idea


New Member
I have been looking at the site here at different sumps designs and here are 2 designs that i have come up with. The plan is to use an a glass tank that is about 10 to 20 depending on what will fit under my 75 gallon tank. I plan to use acrylic to make the dividers or baffles and attaching them with silicon to the tank. Let me know which design will work and any suggestion that will help. Thanks.

sign guy

Active Member
plan b looks good but you will still need a baffel tho hold all sand back
bio balls have more surface area so they are better just make shure to keep them clean, and the last thing is you have to uae glass with glass and acrylic with acrylic. Glass is held in place with GE SILICONE II. this is fish safe and adherse to the glass vury well. But If you use the sillicone with acrylic it will release after a few months. when useing acrylic you have to use weld on#3
this works by melting the two peices of acrylic and having them dry together.
and you cant melt glass with weld on.


New Member
Thanks for the responses. I do have a few questions- what do you mean i need to add a baffle to hold the sand back, i don't see where to add it and i though you were not to clean bio balls. :help:

sign guy

Active Member
sorry true I dont know what I was thinking about the baffle
as far as the bb go when you do your weekly water changes take the old tank water and about 1/4 of your bb and rinse them off in in it. Only cleaning 1/4 of the bio balls off a week will not disrupt your bio load


Active Member
just a fyi...You are asking for trouble cleaning the bio-balls on a weekly basis.
You should clean ~1/4 of them monthly. When you swoosh the bioballs around in the water you are getting rid of most bacteria that is needed for the the breakdown i.e. ammonia-nitrite-nitrate, thats why you dont clean all at once.
IMO...Doing it on a weekly basis is not giving the bio-balls you just cleaned enough time to regenerate/regrow, whatever you want to call it.
I clean mine once a month and have never had any issues.
edit: forgot to mention that I just finished my 40 long fuge for my 210, I have it setup like your option b.
I have a dsb in my display tank so my fuge will not have sand in it, it will have chaeto and LR only.