My T8 lights, pics shown, Any advice?


hey all, some of you might have seen my questions and what not in other posts. here are some lights that i have sitting in my garage brand new i have been getting from my supplier for my work supplies. they are T8 setups, i have read you can put T6 and T5 bulbs in and what not but what is true and whats not. and whats the best way to do it? i have 2 fixtures but one ballast was bad. i have enough to do 10 complete bulbs with 10 individual reflectors and be powered. any ideas for me? im open to anyhting i just thought this would make an awesome retro if i throw a canopy on my tank that is open top right now. they have bulbs at their store for like 3 bux, like 6500k etc. should i stay away from them and buy ones at my LFS or online? what combos should i do? im going to see how much i can trim down and bow the reflectors so they are alot skinnier so i can fit more in to a canopy. it is going to be replacing my 4x65 watt power compact setup i think it should be quite a bit better just for the reflector fact. they are like 32 watts each i believe. can they be over driven? any input on this for me? all help is appreciated. i want great color out of my fish and corals is the biggest,and of course im hoping better growth for my corals then out of my power compacts. all of my corals are about 8-11 inches down from the top of my tank but i do want to get a few brains on the bottom which a 90 is kindave deep but they are not the most light demanding corals ither. here are some pics of what i have to work with they arent much,but it shows you the light. i have 2 of these, you can see one reflector is dented but i have 12 total. if anyone ever wants these, i can get them periodically if any interest and i will see what i can do.



Active Member
There is a better selection of T8 lamps than T6 so I would stick with those. T5 will not work in that fixture.


what about t10? any other ideas? as i said i think this should be better then power compacts just for the reflectors dont you think? and i also know i can pull better color out of things with these...all other help will be appreciated.