My Tang Won't eat


My Yellow Tang won't eat! It's been 4 days, she's looking pretty skinny. I've tried seawead, lettuce, and frozzen food from my LFS. She was eating fine at the LFS before I got her, I thought at first it was just stress but...
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


you said seaweed, do you mean seaweed selects? ive heard that is the best thing for them, other than that i dont know. do you have any algae, its a good possibility that if you have any algae it is grazing on that while your not looking. i dont really know this, but its a possibility.

the new guy

When fish get stressed they may not eat for awhile. Keep an eye on it and I am pretty sure it will eat.
A friend had a yellow that didnt eat for about 2 weeks. I am not sure if that is normal or not but his is fine now.