My Tangs Fin isnt growing back

About 6-7 mos ago before i was turning my tank into a reef my yellow tang was loosing its fin on top , it look like it was deterationg slowly, i need the water change and added Euromycian(? spelling0 like my LFS told me) but 7 mos later his fins are still not up to Par, anyhting i can do to help it, i feed it a variety of flakes, marine cuisine, Brine shrimp, lettuce, algea,


Staff member
What algae are you feeding him? Do you have a grounding probe in the tank?
Did the tang ever come out with full-blown HLLE?
Thats all im feeding him, the algea is the sticks from *****. I dont have a grounding probe and yes is it totally cure from the hlle disease, it hasnt deteriated anymore in 6 mos.
What do you mean by soaking it, i had a corla vite to me tank that i mixed in with my Beef heart for my Old shark now i just add it to my tank a capful a week. What else should u be feeding this guy, Look at my sig and tell me what the best for them...thank you
The supplemets selcon and zoe how do i soak the sheets in them and what do they come in , a bottle, or what. Our ***** sells some algae sheets so i know what tyhey look like. Thanks for your input, this really makes since now...Is all this safe to put on the reef tank


Staff member
I have not had much luck soaking algae sheets in any supplements. They tend to disintegrate on their own wo soaking, imagine with soaking them!
I would suggest that you follow Terry’s advise and think about expanding all your fishs’ diet…. You might want to try making up your own food mix which would include meaty as well as the algae with the addition of zeocon. You can food process fresh seafood such as shrimp, octopus, clam, ousters, etc., along with nori [algae sheets], etc., adding to this zoecon. Freeze slightly then cut into small portion size cubes, then complete the freezing. Then, you’re ready to go come chow time. The algae in this form is smaller and bite size. However, if you simply float sheets of algae in your tank, it will start to break up fast and become pollution. Unless your fish ravenously go for the sheets and can eat it up and chase it down in the tank within a few mins.
I have found that the fresh seafood, fresh algae along with the zoecon works very well for fish in your situation. Alternatively, however, there are many varieties of frozen foods sold for the hobby, including algae. You can also give these a try.
Thanks beth, i saw a variety of a seafood that comes with shrimp, scallopa etc fro like 3.00 a lb and i know where to get the sheets. The vitamin supplemts i saw in a aquriaum sales book so i know what the bottlelooks like. Im going to pick this stuff today and get it ready. I had to do something similair to my shark with beef heart and a vitamin. I m going to go ahead and the get the grounding probe cuz i read up on them and realize what happens without the probe!
Thanks again....and my tang thank you......James


Staff member
You're welcome! And I think that package of seafood you suggest is probably the same one I've been using. You will have to food process it pretty good. Mixing the vit right into the food mix really enriches the food, as it is not just a "soak" but, rather, saturated into the mix which is later stored for future use.
Let me know how your fish does with it.