My tank is complete!


I have a 55 FOWLR and I have finally completed my set of fish. Here is what I've gone through in a relatively short period of time.
1. Cycled my tank with 20 lbs of live rock and dead shrimp.
2. Added 4 damsels after about 2 months (2 striped and 2 blue).
3. Added a small Humu Trigger and Yellow Tang simultaneously.
4. Removed damsels to return to store but striped ones killed the blue ones so I just returned the striped ones to the tank.
5. Added a medium size Volitan Lionfish. This is my favorite fish ever. I expect that he'll eat the damsels in time.
6. Humu got aggressive after the addition of the Lion and actually took a bite of my Tang's fin. He had to go so I returned him in exchange for a relatively small Niger Trigger.
7. I look a the new world that I've created and enjoy.
I'm especially happy because my Lion is more than happy eating freeze-dried krill. He comes to top as soon as my wife or I come into the room and expects some to drop in.
I'm happy today but I saw this small snowflake eel at my LFO and I don't think that it will be long before I indulge. I KNOW THAT I'M MAXED OUT!


I don't want to piss you off but you are going to be told several times that ALL of those fish alone will get too big for the 55 gallon tank you have. But I'll let the experts fill you in on that.


Your ok for a couple years. Pending how quickly the lion grows. I have a v lion, df puffer, sfe, pb tang in my 75 and they are all good. They will be moved to my 185 when growth merits.


Not pissed at all for the criticism. I do plan on upgrading my tank this summer to something greater than a 75g. I will however put some other things in the Lion's diet.
The tank is eating well now with plenty of frozen veggies and flakes, however, I don't expect to have him for more than a couple of more months.
Thanks for the input.