My tank is owned by a 3 inch fish


I sadly had to get rid of my trigger because it decided trimming lions fins was fun
so now i have a 3 inch sohol tank that alread is becoming the boss of the tank
she looks tiny compared to my 9 inch lion
6 inch harlequin tusk
and my morays


no not at all to many questions
the jeweled named Bling-bling
is about 15 inches long and about as thick as a golf ball
I feed him 2 times a week. he eats everything except for some reason he dosnt like krill. but he does eat scallops, table shrimp, clams, silversides, cod, and really anything I throw in their he takes like its his last time eating
bling is agressive id rate a 7 out of 10 he dosnt tolerate fish trying to push him around, and unfortenetly he will chase my hand anytime he sees it
(why cant he just say HANDS ARE FRIENDS NOT FOOD)
hes always looking out wich i love
i have had him for about 5 months now
The zebra is very laid back and is named Foshizzle(to go with bling bling of course)
he does not eat as much as he prolly should
and only eats table shrimp, mysis cubes, and crawfish.
he is 30 inches and almost as think as a golf ball
he eats 2 times a week on a good week
is very laid back to the point that i can pet him if bling bling isnt already chasing my hand
Ive had the zebra for 6 months now


Active Member
He probably chases your hand because it is your hand that feeds him so he can relate that to his food. My trigger did that so that's how I trained him. I would stick my hand in the water and turn in circles to for him to chase it he had to roll. After that I would feed him. Then I did that at every feeding for about 2 weeks. Now I don't even have to put my hand in that tank, just bring my hand to the top face of the tank and he comes up and starts rolling over, then I feed him. Triggers are very intelligent as are some other sea creatures. Probably to the extent of the intelligence of some dogs.
The tangs are know to be pretty aggressive but will tend to lighten up after a while. My Kole tang gets touchy sometimes with the others in the tank and the maroon clown or trigger puts him in his place and he calms dowm. He has only gotten his fins nipped a few times in about 6 months.


I feed with a feeding stick
and the tang has some pretty deep bite marks from the harley but is fearless lol


greenwolf-the zebra never is looking out of the rockwork
the jeweled has always and always does.
kevin- no harlequins are really really big sissy fish they have big blue pointy teeth to crush crustacions (sp) but never use them. they would get bullied by mean dottybacks, grammas, and even a medium sized clownfish very easy goin.
I would not trust them in the reef tho
they wouldnt bother fish BUT shrimp, crabs, starfish would be gone. and they might try to flip hard corals to see if live food is hiding underneith