My tank my choice, but need advice


i recently got a green brittle and a cbs. now i want to get a crab what do people resommend i was going to get a sally lightfoot. can i get two? i was also thinking about a cucumber (2?) but will it be ok if my tank has only been up and running for 2 months. Can i get a serpent star to go along with the brittle or can i get another brittle. That should be it again my tank my choice just looking for an opinion.


you might want to skip on the sally;seems some peops have had probs w/ them w/ opther tankmates or corals...but then again most seem to be Ok w/ them...adding serpant star should be OK...why not add emerald crabs or scarlets...possibly a cleaner shrimp


i am going to get some scarlets, but i was liking the emrald but i decided i like the sally more (not just green). i was thinking some pepermint shrimp and also thinking about the cleaners. but leaning more towards pepermint.

sinner's girl

CBS will eat the peppermint shrimp...a brittle and serpent can go together...we have both and have seen no problems...
The CBS didn't bother the Camelback Shrimp-maybe b/c it was bigger or he didn't like it, not sure.
But the CBS sure was fun to watch!
Yea, I have seen Sally's jump on fish, as far as the shrimp go I have a CBS, I also had 3 cleaner shrimp. Only one is left. So.... I think it was the CBS, I am not sure of the difference between pepermint and cleaner shimp anyone know???


I've also heard some bad things about sally lightfoots, but got one probably a month ago. He doesn't touch any of my fish or other inverts. I was afraid he might. All day long he is picking at stuff on the rocks. I may even get another one soon. I like the cleaner shrimp and peppermints. Mine get along ok. Every once and a while when the peppermints get to close to the cleaner he chases them away. I'd be afraid of the CBS more so than a sally though from my experiences with them. I have also had 2 emeralds and i think the small one killed the big one and i haven't seen the small one now in like 2 weeks so don't now if he is alive.
I have a CB shrimp, a Peppermint shrimp, a Sally Lightfoot, 3 Emerald crabs, 20 Scarlet hermits, 20 blue leg hermits and snails...everyone gets along fine so far, Who gave the Sally the bad wrap?
I say go for the Sally, a;though the emeralds are interesting also. My favorite is the arrow crab, but I have seen them catch fish at the LFS,,,not in my tank.


our arrows NEVER bothered anything short of poking if something tried to take it's food or invaded it's space...if you do a search you will see that "some" peops have had "issues" w/ the sally lightfoot...sometimes you never know w/ inverts though <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />