my tank part 1


um..lets see
55 gal
two perc clowns
one strawberry pseudochromis (not sure on spelling)
two clown gobies
one coral beauty
one longnose butterfly(was a gift, and may have to return it)
one BTA
one coral banded shrimp
one hermit
live rock and snails

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice photos....looks like you take a lot of pride in your system and it shows. I didn't see thew point of having them all on seperate threads so I merged them into one so members can view them all together. thanks for contributing....and keep us updated as it matures.


the butterfly picks at the rocks, and the only food i've been able to get it to eat is brine shrimp.
It is very cool watch, and hope it does well I've only had it about a week.
I noticed a "spot" just a day after adding it to my tank. It looks like a internal bump about the size of a dime, and dark incolor. I don't know what it is but as i sadi I hope it makes it.