My Tank


New Member
Ok I have a 75-80 Gallon saltwater tank. It's not a reef tank. I have 6 damsels that i've had in for 2 weeks and they seem fine and I have 1 Yellow tang and a foxfish that I've had in for 2 days and they are doing great. You can usually tell if your water is ok by seeing if your foxfish is loosing color and turing bland. My foxfish is as bright as ever so I guess that means the waters ok. I have also had my water checked and everything is ok. I also have some live rock in my tank. Is it ok to get coral to put in my tank now? Do u think a starfish would be ok right now?


Active Member
slow down a bit, the only thing that ever happens in marine aquaria fast is TROUBLE
also, i would not consider corals for at least 6 months after your cycle is complete, your tank will still continue to mature, you may also go through algae cycles(actually you probably will)
another thing, i would never rely on a fishes color to determine water quality, although this can be a noticable sign, it would be better to monitor it, if for no other reason than to try and spot problems before they become a PROBLEM