My Tank


Finally got pictures of my tank up! Now remember these are the very early stages, no fish, no corals, just the tank and mostly rock (almost cycled!)
Lemme see if I can get this right...


You know what? Just look at it here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


I noticed your skimmer is it a visa jet? Kinda looks like the one I bought. If it is is it working for you? I got one and it didnt do anything but put bubbles in my tank. Just wondering if yours works.


Thanks, JWalters. I've decided on the fish. I'm going to start with two perculas. Then a coral beauty angel, and finally a powder brown tang. *maybe* a scooter blenny, just depends on the bio load :) As a matter of fact, I've already picked out my percula. At least one of them. She has such a remarkable personality! I've been watching her at the LFS for about three weeks. Evelyn, the owner, finally told me yesterday that I've watched her for so long she'll keep her for me until my tank is ready. It's almost there! Ammonia=0, Nitrites=0.3mg/l, Nitrates=15, PH=8.1, DKh=11, Specific Gravity=1.0235. Now its time to get excited :D For anyone who has actually read this much, what type of food do you feed your perculas?
And the skimmer is a visi-jet, Nanci, which I realize isn't worth a flip, but to answer your question yes, mine has to be emptied every day, slimy stuff in it, kinda nasty ;)