My Tank


New Member
Ok firstly I am in love with sharks and mayby a little later in my life dedicate my life to them... but I want to start up my first marine tank and this is what I was thinking...
175gallon Sharks tank
Zebra Shark (1)
French Angel (1)
Japanese Dragon Moray (1)
Ornate Boxfish (1)
Chinese Lionfish (1)
Black Tang (1)
Gem Tang (1)
Bluelined Triggerfish (1)
Will this work? I think that it will for the size needed for this shark is only 100gal


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_Anderso
Ok firstly I am in love with sharks and mayby a little later in my life dedicate my life to them... but I want to start up my first marine tank and this is what I was thinking...
175gallon Sharks tank
Zebra Shark (1)
French Angel (1)
Japanese Dragon Moray (1)
Ornate Boxfish (1)
Chinese Lionfish (1)
Black Tang (1)
Gem Tang (1)
Bluelined Triggerfish (1)
Will this work? I think that it will for the size needed for this shark is only 100gal

Ok I will probably not be the only person to comment on this subject. But a general rule of thumb is: While keeping sharks or stingrays you cannot have PUFFERS, ANGELS, AND TRIGGERS. Most sharks get up to 3' in lenght, and will need a MINIMUM 3' wide by 6' long tank. I looked up "zebra shark" and they get up to 9' in length. NOT IDEAL for a home aquarium set-up much less a 175 gallon tank. It might not be the exact shark you have in mind, but that's the one I found. Also, it will not work out with the black and gem tang. They will fight until one kills the other. If you are goint to keep more then one of the same family(or species forget which is which) of zebromosa(sp) you need to have one or an odd number. I.E. gem and black with either: purple, yellow, scopas, sailfin. Your fish list is just no ideal.


New Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
Ok I will probably not be the only person to comment on this subject. But a general rule of thumb is: While keeping sharks or stingrays you cannot have PUFFERS, ANGELS, AND TRIGGERS. Most sharks get up to 3' in lenght, and will need a MINIMUM 3' wide by 6' long tank. I looked up "zebra shark" and they get up to 9' in length. NOT IDEAL for a home aquarium set-up much less a 175 gallon tank. It might not be the exact shark you have in mind, but that's the one I found. Also, it will not work out with the black and gem tang. They will fight until one kills the other. If you are goint to keep more then one of the same family(or species forget which is which) of zebromosa(sp) you need to have one or an odd number. I.E. gem and black with either: purple, yellow, scopas, sailfin. Your fish list is just no ideal.

Ow i thought you could keep Tangs, Angels and Puffers would be ideal for an aggressive tank? but if not then i might have to play around. I could go three gems and two black, but becasue the cost of the gem i might just get 5 blacks instead then set-up a specie tank for the gem and have a real good go at breeding them.
But regarding the shark {link edited} But I could always get a Epaulette Shark (Australia) they stay around the 3' mark, still need a bigger tank but that could be worked on. Plus I have reed that they can be kept in a coral reef tank?


Seeing as this is your first marine tank; why don't we just start with fish, and later with an appropriate tank, step up to shark keeping. The list of fish may only be compatible when their puny juvy's; besides that it'd be alot of money for a first time mistake.
Blue Lined Trigger-Highly aggressive as sub-adult to adult. Have been known to obliterate tanks, and would need a 300+minimum for even a couple burly tankmates. Tempermant rates up with the Queen and Titan; not shark safe.
French Angel-One of the hardiest Angelfish, and also can be one of the more aggressive. In general not shark safe they nip corals and sometimes eyeballs. After seeing a fully grown Frenchie in a 300GL tank, it gives a good visual of just how big these fish can get.
The two above can come off your dream list if your really serious about someday making it all happen. Sharks need big tanks, clean water, and moderately tempered tankmates that are not nippy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_Anderso
Ow i thought you could keep Tangs, Angels and Puffers would be ideal for an aggressive tank? but if not then i might have to play around. I could go three gems and two black, but becasue the cost of the gem i might just get 5 blacks instead then set-up a specie tank for the gem and have a real good go at breeding them.
But regarding the shark Look at this But I could always get a Epaulette Shark (Australia) they stay around the 3' mark, still need a bigger tank but that could be worked on. Plus I have reed that they can be kept in a coral reef tank?
Tangs, angels and puffers can all be kept together yes. But no triggers, angels or puffers w/ sharks. They will pick and nip at the sharks eyes and what not. When you mix tangs together, they have to be different family I.E. Gem or Black tang(Zebramosa), Hippo tang(Paracanthurus), and Powder Blue tang(Ancanthurus). Or 3 Zebaramosa or 3 Ancanthurus. Angels are generally One full size angel (I.E. Emperor, Queen, Passer, Regal, Majestic, Blue Face) and One dwarf (I.E. lemonpeel, pygmy, coral beauty, flame, eibli).
Yes you can put a shark pup in a 175, but you will not be able to keep it long term. Even the smallest sharks get up to 3'. So you would need atleast a 3' deep tank IMO.


New Member
Thanks for your help Sean, with your help ill try to stock with these fish if they are ok...
Moorish Idol (3)
Black Tang (3)
Achilles Tang (1)
Clown Tang (1)
Gem Tang (2)
Japanese Dragon Moray Eels (1)
Epauletee Shark Australia (1)
Gold Stripe Maroon Clowns (2)
Radiata Lionfish (1)


Active Member
Alright here's a list for you:
2 Black tangs
1 Gem tang
Japanese Dragon Moray
Radiata Lion
And angel of your choice.
I would not trust an eel around clowns unless the clowns are pretty large. Moorish Idols you can all but forget about. One does not do well in captivity let alone a school of 3. I do honestly believe they should be left in the ocean where they belong until there is alot more research and sucess with them. Achilles are almost the same way. Except more people have luck with Achilles tangs then MI. Achilles are in the Ancanthurus family and are ICH magnets. You MUST acquire and EXTREMELY healthy specimen to have any chance to keep them long term. They take a long time to acclimate to a home aquarium and to start eating properly. If they are not fed properly or do not eat they will develop HLLE(head and lateral line erossion). That will be the beginning othe their demise. You have quite a list of things that are not readily available most of the season. I hope this is a sign of your patience since this would be your first tank. And in general this list would not work because it is an overload of your bio system. Most of these fish with the exception of the clown fish will reach ATLEAST a 8".


New Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
Alright here's a list for you:
2 Black tangs
1 Gem tang
Japanese Dragon Moray
Radiata Lion
And angel of your choice.
That sounds good, but could i add a shark a little later?


First - that "Zebra" shark isn't the true Zebra shark - even though it claims to be. It's actually a bamboo shark.
And based the actually possible species - it appears to max out around 2.5' in length.
Like everyone else had said the Angel & trigger are a really bad idea w/the shark. Also the moray eel & lion are actually iffy. Some eels & lions have actually killed small sharks.
Best bet - put your shark in another tank, then build a small shark pond for it as it grows up.


New Member
Originally Posted by krj-1168
First - that "Zebra" shark isn't the true Zebra shark - even though it claims to be. It's actually a bamboo shark.
And based the actually possible species - it appears to max out around 2.5' in length.
Like everyone else had said the Angel & trigger are a really bad idea w/the shark. Also the moray eel & lion are actually iffy. Some eels & lions have actually killed small sharks.
Best bet - put your shark in another tank, then build a small shark pond for it as it grows up.

If i get the zebra at around 5-10'' then i would have a year or two before I needed to go bigger, and when i go bigger im going 10000 gallon tank with 5 other zebras to try and stimulate breeding. I cant get a lionfish :( for New Zealand dosnt allow them for they are poisiones and have been baned for import :( but i think that eels are still alowd.


Active Member
port jackson shark
honestly you need to do ALOT of research before you jump into and do anything,, keep reading and youll have alot better of an understanding and somehwat of a concept on what you cand o


Active Member
i highly reccomend purchasing a few good books before jumping into anything at all..first book highly reccomended id the conciensous aquaria by robert fenner ..although fenner is not one of the most popular authors for some in this forum reading this book will be very enlightening for you and all beginners of this hobby..he does go into the does and donts and can also do a google search by his name alone and get alot of information you need..before jumping into some very expencive mistakes commonly made in this hobby..


Agreed - Research is absolutely a must.
Also - just help clear this up - what kind of "Zebra" shark are we talking about here.
The Zebra Shark - (Genus: Stegostoma), which can grow to 11 ft in length.
True Zebras are rarely seen in the pet shark trade, but more often seen in Public Aquariums. Zebras are born at nearly 10" in length.
The Zebra Bullhead Shark (Heterodontus zebra), grows to 4' in length. Related to the Port Jackson's & Californian Horn. It's native to northern Australian waters. Zebra Bullheads are extremely rare in the U.S.
The "Zebra" Bamboo - (Genus: Chiloscyllium), which a newly imported species of bamboo, often sold as a Zebra Shark. There are a few theories as to which species it actually is - the leading choices are - arabicum, hasselti, or caerulopunctatum.


New Member
Im wanting the shark in the link, I am starting the shark journy next year, and starting a 150 liter reef tank... but I might get the jem tangs (5) alot sooner and put them in a 100gal specie tank to try and breed them... then the aggresive shark tank im going to go with...
Small shark (1)
Black Tang (3)
gem Tang (2)
Japanese Dragon Moray (1)
Large Maroon Clown (2)


do you know how much gem tangs cost around 3000 dollars plus and are one of the rarest saltwater fish ever and probably will never ever ever breed in captivity never ever, well probably wont but maybe, and black tangs cost around 400 each and japenese dragon eels are around a thousand now im not saying you cant buy all of this but i hope you have lots of money to put in this fish tank


Originally Posted by surfinusa
do you know how much gem tangs cost around 3000 dollars plus and are one of the rarest saltwater fish ever and probably will never ever ever breed in captivity never ever, well probably wont but maybe, and black tangs cost around 400 each and japenese dragon eels are around a thousand now im not saying you cant buy all of this but i hope you have lots of money to put in this fish tank
for the price of 2 gem tangs you could put plasma tv in every room in the house must be nice :notsure:


New Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
do you know how much gem tangs cost around 3000 dollars plus and are one of the rarest saltwater fish ever and probably will never ever ever breed in captivity never ever, well probably wont but maybe, and black tangs cost around 400 each and japenese dragon eels are around a thousand now im not saying you cant buy all of this but i hope you have lots of money to put in this fish tank
I know the price of the fish... I kow that they will never to breedin captivity, but you have to give it a go... I mean adventually they will breed but it takes time/knowledge/$$$
and lots of money. Im funding the fish from my reef tank.


Active Member
im sry but marine center knows nothing about swf, all their minimum tank sizes r grossly underestimated, same w/ care levels. as far as the tank, well id have to say the smallest shark u could put in there would be a coral cat shark. but keep in mind sharks need pristine water conditions so ud need a skimmer thats rated for like 4 to 5 times imo for a tank w/ that many fish in it plus like 2 or 3 powerheads to get the flow going enough to keep the oxygen levels up