My Tank


New Member
30 Gal, crushed coral and live sand. Probally 10 to 15 lbs live rock. Fish: Marron Clown w/ bubble tip anenome, Flame Hawkfish, Bi Color Angel, Yellow Wrasse, Lunear Wrasse, a six line wrasse, and a Fire Goby. Everything i read says the angel should not be aggressive but he is very aggressive in my tank. Any reason why? The only fish he is not is to the hawkfish and sometimes they team up on my six line. Right now the six line is seperated because hes not doing so good. I think they ganged up on him last night.


Active Member
Man, yuo were doing good up till this point......
Originally Posted by SlickVic107
Lunear Wrasse
A 30gal is no way shape or form adequate for a Lunare (even a moderately small Juvi). He will likely need something bigger very shortly. The wrath a Lunare can unleash will make the BiColor look like a puppy. However, he does sound pretty small.
The Bi Color is aggressive because "his house" is fairly overcrowded. You have quite a bit of fish for a 30gal. My opinion would be to remove the Six Line and the Lunare. Either find adopting homes or see if the LFS will take them. The Maroon, Angel, and Hawk are fairly rough and tumble fish. The six line can be mean sometimes in other tanks, but that's typically only to fish smaller then himself.


New Member
Well the six line didnt' make it. But everyone has seemed to calm down now. The Lunear wrasse does swim from one side of the tank to the other though. I'll see how it does and maybe trade him in for something else.