My tank

nm reef

Active Member
Sweet lookin' reef....provide details for all of us eye-candy junkies...:cool:
....and welcome to the board...:D


Active Member
pretty pretty pretty
MORE !!!!
Nice tank for sure - come'on - give up the specs
Inquiring minds want to know ;)


New Member
Hi thanks guys appreciate the compliments well the tank is a 100 gal all glass tank with a 20 gal long sump/refugium under it I light
my tank with 800 watts of metal halide and actinic flo lights, i have an excalibur skimmer and only use ro/di water with liquid calcium added kalkwasser is dripped twice a week,I have 4 7in fans to cool my hood the stand and hood are custom made,I also have a 90 gal I just cycled but havent posted pics yet i have been in to reefs about 9 years. and yes that is a frogspawn in the left corner he is getn so big.:)