Active Member
Well, long story short, my parents are moving, and I'm sort of stuck with the aftermath, their fowlr and their reef (240/90, respectfully). They kept the big tank and will be setting it up after they get settled. I got the 90, and will eventually keep it and do something with it later (butterfly[fish] garden, perhaps?
), but for now it houses a lot of fish. I will doing my share of water changes, I'll tell you that. So far everyone is being very well behaved, the Lunare is boss, like it was in their fowlr, and the female anthias is 2nd in command, like she was in the reef.
Wasn't problem free though, one of the chromis died on the trip up. We brought up over 20 fish, this is my first casualty for a fish to die in transport. He was bagged for under 4 hours. Extremely weird, though apparently not uncommon reading the chromis thread in the general fish...
Equipment on the 90 is 2 T5 48" strip lights, couple PH's, 29 sump, 15 or so as a fuge, an additional remote 10gal fuge, and a Aqua C EV180 skimmer. 100# LR in display, 50# sump, 80# of sand.
Here's the full stocklist:
Yellow Tang
Lunare Wrasse
Picasso Trigger
Half Black Angel
2 - Lyretail Anthias (1M, 1F)
2- Chalk Bass
2- Southern Puffers
Flavicauda Pygmy Angel
Blue Chromis
Yellowtail Damsel
Ringneck Blenny
Pajama Cardinal
And some "throw away" corals, brown & yellow polyps, and xenia.
Additional we also brought up a Red Sea Regal Angel and Spiny Burrfish in my 55gal QT, a leopard wrasse that was added to my 125 display, and a pair of misbar clowns and a orange stripe cardinal in my newly setup 25 reef (to hold that corals that would be Blueface angel food in my 125). I will post those separately.
Here's the pics and two feeding vids.

Wasn't problem free though, one of the chromis died on the trip up. We brought up over 20 fish, this is my first casualty for a fish to die in transport. He was bagged for under 4 hours. Extremely weird, though apparently not uncommon reading the chromis thread in the general fish...
Equipment on the 90 is 2 T5 48" strip lights, couple PH's, 29 sump, 15 or so as a fuge, an additional remote 10gal fuge, and a Aqua C EV180 skimmer. 100# LR in display, 50# sump, 80# of sand.
Here's the full stocklist:
Yellow Tang
Lunare Wrasse
Picasso Trigger
Half Black Angel
2 - Lyretail Anthias (1M, 1F)
2- Chalk Bass
2- Southern Puffers
Flavicauda Pygmy Angel
Blue Chromis
Yellowtail Damsel
Ringneck Blenny
Pajama Cardinal
And some "throw away" corals, brown & yellow polyps, and xenia.
Additional we also brought up a Red Sea Regal Angel and Spiny Burrfish in my 55gal QT, a leopard wrasse that was added to my 125 display, and a pair of misbar clowns and a orange stripe cardinal in my newly setup 25 reef (to hold that corals that would be Blueface angel food in my 125). I will post those separately.
Here's the pics and two feeding vids.