My test results


New Member
I bought Myself a Marine Lab kit and here are my results.
PH = 8.2
ALK = Normal Range
NH3/NH4 = 0
NO3 = 12.5 High Range
2.5 Low Range
Salinity = 1.021
Water temp is at a constant 78 Deg.
Any input/suggestions would be great!


Active Member
pH sounds fine. It should remain at 8.2 to 8.4
ALK . . . define normal range for starters, and ALK really means little w/o a calc. level.
Ammonia and nitrite sound fine, should ALWAYS read zero. Anything but and you've got a problem.
Nitrates . . . . I am not really sure why you have low and high range readings. If your tank has cycled, then stick with the low range. If you can't get a reading with the low range kit then you need to take action to reduce your levels so that you can get a reading with the low range.
Salinity needs to be higher for sure as I am assuming that since you are testing alk this is going to be a reef tank. If this is going to be a FO tank that you can get away .021 Otherwise, you need to raise that number to at least .023
Temp is OK for winter months, but in the warmer months that number should be between 80-82
(All IMO of course)