My trigger is super goofy! ..this normal?


Active Member
My niger trigger keeps digging up sand in my tank, just like my africans used to, but also hes picking up shells and moving them around...just going at it for hours... is he nesting?.. could steve actully turn out to be a girl trigger?
thanks guys


Active Member
its so much fun watching him move the shells around and dig sand up....i've had him for like 4 months ..and hes just now starting to do you know why this behavior took so long to come about? ...


Active Member
probably maturing and setling in. Mine does it on and off. My

isprobaly about 7-8 years ols...I've had him for six years so kust a guess. he was pretty samll whan I got him. he started after I had him for awhile.
he is just making a comfy place. I just threw some rubble rock in with some recent live rock I purchased. he did not like where I placed it and has moved it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
probably maturing and setling in. Mine does it on and off. My

isprobaly about 7-8 years ols...I've had him for six years so kust a guess. he was pretty samll whan I got him. he started after I had him for awhile.
he is just making a comfy place. I just threw some rubble rock in with some recent live rock I purchased. he did not like where I placed it and has moved it.
Good lord...that typing is awful...I sound retarded......oh well another senior moment


Well, our 3 must be settling in quite nicely then, wow do they rearrange!!! I think I told you all that we had to close off a couple of areas so the undulated wouldn't harrass the pink tail? Well, just forget that. Every day we come home and there is another rock, sometimes rather large, that is in another spot. Man are they comical to watch. We got some goodies, spotted mushroom coral and button polyps, with our Marshal rock rubble, and we have had a few close calls with their rearranging and smashing them. They don't bother them, biting an whatnot, just moving rocks, and they land on the polyps.
Anyway, all is well with them, and what antics they provide. Got to love these fish.
The pinktail and I are buddies. He comes up to the glass and lets me pet him through the glass, so cool.
The undulated is still a little hesitant when anyone comes up to the glass, she goes into hiding. She is a "Spaz", hence her name. Chickens*it, really! Nothing bothers the pinktail or piccaso. Weird, but soooooooo much fun. Oh yeah, the undulated is still doing the nocturnal thing.
4916...just sit back and enjoy! Peace :happyfish