My turbo snails


The week before Xmas I bought 4 scarletts, and two turbos for my 37g tank. I can only find 1 crab. He's climbing around on the live rock. The others are gone???? My turbos went to work. My glass and Live rock looks great, but the sand is my may problem. My question is this. Will they sit with out moving for long periods of time. They have been very actives (the turbos) the entire time I had them. Now for the second day that I've noticed they just sit there, either on the glass or on the rock. Is that a bad sign?? Gosh I hope not.
I think I need more crab. Is it a safe bet that the others just died.
Will a cleaner shrimp eat the green algea? This stuff grows like mad...


That's good. The two weeks I've had them, they have been working like no tomorrow, day and night.


They were probably hungry. Mine will sit in one place for hours on end and next time I look, they've re-arranged themselves.
I think they suffer from narcolepsy and just fall asleep wherever they happen to be when the urge hits them.



but the sand is my may problem

I don't think turbos will help the sand bed. Try a fighting conch or as someone just told me - nassaurius snails would do a good job. Good luck!