My two shrimp shed EVERY two weeks!!is this normal???


just like the topic says is it normal for my cleaner and blood shrimp to shed every two weeks???? that seems like alot

nm reef

Active Member
I've always heard that elevated levels of iodine can cause shrimp to molt...any additives being added?:cool:

bang guy

What NM said :D
You may have an Iodine overdose and the shrimp are molting excessively to rid themselves of the poison. Copper could cause the same symptoms... how are your snails?


the only thing i add to the tank is Combisan... 2.5mL a week
the snails are great havent had one die on me yet.... but i have had 4 hermits die in the last 3 weeks
would the Xenia be effected by the high levels of iodine and copper??? its doing well...
btw i woke up to another Blood red shed...that would make it two in the last two weeks
the 4 crabs i have in there havent even shed yet and i have had 2 for 3 weeks and 2 for 5 weeks...thats odd

bang guy

Well, healthy snails mean it's not Copper, that should be a relief.
The Xenia will uptake Iodine but it would take a massive OD to harm Xenia, it probably appreciates the OD (if that's what it is). The dead Hermit syndrome is consistant with NM's suggestion of Iodine overdose.
Last I knew Combisan didn't have much of anything in it so that's probably not a source of Iodine. Perhaps a bad batch of salt? I'm just guessing here. Perhaps a food like Nori or squid?
I would suggest you spot feed your shrimp some high quality food for a while. Molting that often is going to take a toll on their health after a while.


If the shrimp is molting would one imagine the crabs are, too.
Crab molts in my tank look alot like carcasses.


thanks for all your suggestions guys....there definatly thngs to consider....but like TimO said its odd that the crabs arent molting aswell
is there something else better than combisan i should add....i dont have much for coraline growth... and want to upgrade lighting and get some stoneys...


Active Member
Seems like mine moult all the time too. I would not worry if they are active and healthy. Does anyone know how often they are suppose to moult anyway? Lesley