Active Member
OK, I listed this on my diary, but I've updated it and thought I would get more of a response here. For those of you who have not been to my diary (shame on you
), I have a 125 reef tank with 160 lbs lr, 100 lbs ls, clean up crew (2 shrimp, snails, 3 emerald crabs) and just added my two false percs (they are loving it). For the rest of my fish list this is what I'd like to get AND the order of which I plan to add them. Please, any comments are welcome on fish or the order.
Pair of Bangaii Cardinals
Diamond Goby
Yellow-faced Jawfish (still unsure on this one)
Royal Gramma
Blue Hippo Tang
3 Lyretail Anthias (one male, two females)
Sailfin Tang
Yellow Tang
Flame Angel (if I'm not overstocked at this point)
So what do you think? I would like to get a lot of feedback because I'm determined to do this right. Oh, and everything (inlcuding any corals I add) will spend a 3-4 weeks in QT, so this will be done slowly.
Here's a picture of my tank:
Pair of Bangaii Cardinals
Diamond Goby
Yellow-faced Jawfish (still unsure on this one)
Royal Gramma
Blue Hippo Tang
3 Lyretail Anthias (one male, two females)
Sailfin Tang
Yellow Tang
Flame Angel (if I'm not overstocked at this point)
So what do you think? I would like to get a lot of feedback because I'm determined to do this right. Oh, and everything (inlcuding any corals I add) will spend a 3-4 weeks in QT, so this will be done slowly.
Here's a picture of my tank: